Sunday, April 22, 2018

#AtoZchallenge S is for Fluevog Shukran

I was supposed to post this yesterday, if I was following the official Blogging from A to Z Schedule.
I got involved with other activities and must confess I didn't even bother to look at which shoe I'd chosen for S.
This morning, I discover that it's a shoe I'd already drawn and made the repeat for -- silly me!
I DID redraw it in the media I'm currently using for this series. The repeats (because I also did a colorway) follow:

I originally came up with this design for a Fluevog ad challenge aka Fluevog Creative.
click on image to see text
Nowhere near making it to the final cut, I realized that my designs are better suited for surface design and not advertising.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

#AtoZchallenge M is for Fluevog Munster

Ready for a Saturday night dance party?

[5.26] Greetings A-Z Roadtrippers!
This A-Z series is all about Fluevog shoes. I drew the shoe, then put it into a repeat to eventually get posted on Redbubble for print on demand garments, housewares, stickers, etc, etc. My master Fluevog A-Z list is here.

The A-Z Road Trip road map link is here:
Yes, you may hop to the blogs on the list to comment even if you don't sign up for the road trip, and even if you weren't in the Blogging from A to Z challenge 2018.