Monday, June 3, 2019

Paper Weavings from Day Job Detritus

Before this year's A-Z, I started doing paper weavings from reject printouts of my pattern designs at the day job. (I am a surface designer for a mass-market underwear and loungewear company).
I mentioned the process in the post about the Fluevog Faith.

First weaving, January 23:
How did I solve my "hold it together" dilemma? Sticking a 4x3" mailing label on the back!

I diligently did this every morning through the first week of April,
until I started getting to work too late to be stealth about it.

This is the last batch, April 2-5:
[click on images to embiggen]
Parameters developed over the course of the project (as they tend to do for me):

  • Mix a women's panty print with a men's lounge pant print
  • Try to make the mixture as uncoordinated as possible

Here's a Camo / Blue Ditsy set from March 6-21:
I've got a lot reject camo printouts on large 11x17 printouts -- I was not having success color matching to a printed garment.
In fact, I gave up, since it became unnecessary.
I've since had to do two other colorways of the camo with even more reject printouts.
I could do a whole camo weave series at this point!
Conclusion: camo is hard to color match, especially to Pantone standard chips.
I've submitted this series to be part of the Otis 100 Projects. We'll see if anything happens.
I'm also committed to get back to weaving detritus. It's relaxing!