My third year of drawing and creating repeats of Fluevog shoes (and boots!) alphabetically went smoothly, for the most part. There always seems to be ONE shoe that gives me a hard time and this year it was
Miss Jodie:
I worked on a stealth version of the repeat at the day job, but was not satisfied with the results:
The printout, with hand drawn "possible additions" has been pinned to the wall next to my computer since 4/12:
Wait, let me give you a wide shot of my workspace:
Ha! Feel better about where you blog from? |
OK, enough about Jodie.
And my messy desk.
Allow me to opine upon the A to Z Challenge.
Well, what can I say?
I work well with parameters.
The A-Z helps me zero in on getting a body of work completed, or in the case here, started.
Every year, through the challenge, I discover new blogs to follow, catch up with blogging mates, and generally have a blogging good time.
This year, I added an A-Z blog roll at the footer here
[see bottom of page], as well as an
A-Z Pinterest Board.
I used to use Bloglovin', but haven't gone over there in eons. Maybe it's the interface.
What's next?
I hope to keep my Fluevogging momentum up and get these repeats uploaded to
Spoonflower, etc soon.
[I get a commission for sales. Thanks for your support!]
Have any favorites that you'd like me to do first? Let me know in the comments.
Here's my A-Z Fluevogs 2019 table of contents, in a randomized alphabet form.