Tuesday, April 16, 2019

#AtoZchallenge N is for Fluevog Nap

Fluevog Nap link (blue) (XO pattern)
I could use a Nap. How about you?


  1. It's a nice looking shoe, but most importantly, is it comfortable? I do like the blue color. And actually I could use a sleeping nap even though I just woke up a couple hours ago.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out / Battle of the Bands

    1. I IMAGINE it's comfortable, though my foot probably won't fit -- my arches are too high for Fluevog slip-on boots, I can't get my foot in there! The price is definitely UNcomfortable. Click through and you'll see!

      Thanks for stopping by, Arlee. Will check out your A-Z later (late for work).


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